History, Military, Philosophy, Psychology
Extreme Ownership, Willink
Leadership Strategy and Tactics, Willink
Discipline Equals Freedom, Willink
The Code, the Evaluation, the Protocols, Willink
12 Rules for Life, Peterson
Beyond Order, Peterson
On Duties, Cicero
Guns, Germs, and Steel, Diamond
About Face, Hackworth
Gulag Archipelago Vol 1, Solzhenitsyn
Man’s Search for Meaning, Frankl
Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche
How to Win Friends and Influence People, Carnegie
The Way of Men, Donovan
Cochrane: The Real Master and Commander, Cordingly
Commander, Taylor
Six Frigates, Toll
Storm of Steel, Junger

Financial and Productivity
Tools of Titans, Ferris
Basic Economics, Sowell
Economics Facts and Fallacies, Sowell
Freakonomics, Levitt & Dubner
The Art of the Deal, Trump
Getting Things Done, Allen
Robert’s Rules of Order, Circa 1915
Eight Steps to Seven Figures, Carlson
CliffNotes Getting out of Debt
CliffNotes Investing in 401(k) Plans
CliffNotes Investing in the Stock Market
The Way to Wealth, Poor Richard

Text books and reference materials
A Pocket Style Manual, Hacker
Introductory Circuit Analysis 12 ed., Boylestad
Mathematical Modeling 3rd ed., Diordano, Weir, & Fox
Calculus Single Variable Debut ed., Krantz
Chemistry Structure and Dynamics, 5th ed., Spencer, Bodner, & Rickard
Popular Science Encyclopedias, Circa 1972
The Oxford Companion to World War II, Dear & Foot
Genetic Programming, Koza
Super Intelligence, Bostrom
Plastic Injection Molding, Gingery
Pocket Ref, Glover

Selected Novels
The Legacy of Heorot, Niven, Pournelle, & Barnes
Hawksbill Station, Silverberg
The Martian, Weir
Cyclops, Cussler
Apocalypse Troll, Weber
The Precipice, Bova
Helsreach, Dembski-Bowden
Warrior Kid Series, Willink
Bobiverse Series, Taylor
Hornblower Series, Forester
Aubrey/Maturin Series, O’Brian

Books I intend to read
Ordinary Men, Browning
Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky
Getting to Yes, Fisher & Ury
Modern Man in Search of a Soul, Jung
Guidelines for the Leader and the Commander, Clarke
Gulag Archipelago Vol 2,3, Solzhenitsyn
Endurance, Lansing
Complete Works, Poe
Complete Works, Shakespeare
Mythology, Hamilton
Robinson Crusoe, Defoe
On Intelligence, Hawkins
Maps of Meaning, Peterson
Complete Works, Cicero
Never Split the Difference, Voss
Poor Charlie’s Almanack, Kaufman
The Talent War, Sarraille & Randle
DA Pam 20-269
The Past as Prologue, Murray & Sinnreich
Improving Unit Cohesion, McBreen
Operational Principles, McMahon
Impro, Johnstone
On War, Clausewitz