The Praxi is designed to be mounted on the right side of a toaster oven with a power rating up to 1200W. Powered by the Tiny Reflow Controller V2 by RocketScream, the Praxi controls the oven’s temperature in a pid driven manner using a solid state relay for the reflow construction of PCBs.

Whats inside?
From a fused power inlet through a solid state relay, the oven receives its main power. An AC to 5V converter powers the Tiny V2 controller which in turn controlls the relay. The OLED is mounted onto the control panel along with two buttons for profile switching and start/stop states. The oven element’s cabling and Kytpe thermo-probe pass through a cable gland. The solid state relay makes contact with the elements though a terminal block. The terminal block allows live, neutral, and protected ground.
Like the controller inside, the Praxi’s design is open to the public. Every part number, source, and power rating is being made available in case you wish to modify it yourself.

What’s available?
The Praxi comes either as an assembled unit or as a kit. The kit will have the holes drilled and the control panel mounted and will include all the components, bolts, and wiring harnesses you need to construct the control box yourself. Also included in both assembled and kit is an additional right angle USB cable for reprogramming the Tiny V2, a power cable, a K-type thermo-probe, and silicone legs for mounting.

Other potential uses after some reprogramming:
(The Praxi ships with the default RocketScream software)
Baking PLA, ABS, and Nylon filament prior to 3d printing to remove absorbed moisture.
Heating plastic sheets for vacuum forming.
Curing thermosetting epoxies and thermocuring 3d printed parts.
Extreme Cooking! (See warnings below)

Additional Warnings:
Safety first: This product requires working with dangerous and potentially lethal levels of electricity. If you are ever unsure, work with an electrician and don’t take risks with your life.
Do not use the toaster oven for cooking food and reflowing pcbs. There are toxic chemicals that are burned off during the reflow process that are hazardous to health. The same is true for epoxy curing and heat treating parts.